Respiratory System

  1. 3. the airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart, heart, and other structures.
  2. 5. it is made in our bodies as cells do their jobs, the lungs and respiratory system system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into body, while your body also breathes this out
  3. 7. located below the lungs, its the major muscle of respiration, its a large dome shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continually, most of the time involuntarily.
  4. 10. a thin layer of fluid covering the luminal surface of the airway
  5. 11. an infection of the lungs that may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, the infection causes the lungs air sacs to become inflamed and fill up with fluid or pus.
  6. 12. Passage leading from your mouth and throat to your stomach
  7. 14. the secondary external opening for the respiratory tract, it can be used to supplement or replace the nasal cavity's functions when needed
  8. 15. the small flap just above the larynx that prevents food and drinks from entering your windpipe.
  9. 18. the hair like projections lined within the bronchus in the lungs
  10. 19. area connecting the throat to the windpipe, without it we would hardly be able to sing or speak, it also keeps food and drinks out of the windpipe.
  11. 20. the gas-exchange region, the alveolar wall, common to 2 adjacent alveoli
  1. 1. the process of letting air out of the lungs during the breathing cycle, the relaxation of the diaphragm and elastic recoil of tissue decreases the thoracic volume and increases the interalveolar pressure
  2. 2. the lungs allow us to breath, they bring oxygen into our bodies, and send CO2 out.
  3. 4. the thing you inhale which then enters the lungs and reaches the alveoli
  4. 6. a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus, trigger coughing, and wheezing.
  5. 8. a group of organs and tissues that work together to help your breath
  6. 9. the process of taking air into the lungs, it is the active phase of ventilation because it is the result of muscle contraction
  7. 13. the diaphragm moves upward and the chest wall muscles relax, causing the chest cavity to get smaller and push air out of the respiratory system through the nose or mouth.
  8. 16. Cone shaped passageway leading from the oral and nasal cavities in the head to the esophagus and larynx
  9. 17. the airway that leads from the larynx to the bronchi