Respiratory System

  1. 4. excision of a lung or portion of it
  2. 6. larynx
  3. 8. chest
  4. 11. incomplete; imperfect
  5. 12. trachea divides into two branches called
  6. 13. windpipe
  7. 17. voice box
  8. 18. air;lung
  9. 20. bronchiole
  10. 22. alveolus; air sac
  11. 24. sinus, cavity
  12. 25. absence of the sense of smell
  13. 26. large muscular partition
  14. 27. adenoids
  1. 1. straight
  2. 2. carbon dioxide
  3. 3. dust
  4. 5. trachea
  5. 7. oxygen deficiency
  6. 8. diaphragm; mind
  7. 9. chest
  8. 10. lobe
  9. 13. tonsils
  10. 14. coal, coal dust
  11. 15. blue
  12. 16. excessive acidity of the body
  13. 19. oxygen
  14. 21. nose
  15. 23. nose bleed
  16. 24. septum