Respiratory System

  1. 2. This is the muscle that is responsible for inflating and deflating the lungs
  2. 5. These are the small air tubes that connect the bronchus to the alveoli
  3. 6. It is the pipe that sends air to the lungs
  4. 9. what we use to smell?
  5. 10. tiny blood vessels have thin walls
  6. 11. What we breath in
  1. 1. is the net movement of anything generally from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
  2. 3. It is the organ that collects the air
  3. 4. These are the air sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
  4. 5. It is found at the end of the trachea and splits the air into each lung
  5. 7. Protects the organs in the thoracic cavity
  6. 8. dioxide What we breath out