Respiratory System

  1. 2. Network of tubes that conduct air through the lungs
  2. 4. Picks up oxygen from the air sacs
  3. 5. Contains two sets of heavy folds called vocal cords
  4. 7. Part of the pharynx behind the mouth
  5. 10. Part of the pharynx behind nasal cavity
  6. 11. Normal pathway for air to enter the respiratory system
  7. 12. Lungs contain over 500 million tiny air sacs called...
  1. 1. Also known as the windpipe
  2. 3. Stored energy made from almost any food
  3. 6. Slime in our nose and lungs that collect dust particles and dirt
  4. 8. Also known as the throat
  5. 9. Pair of cone-shaped organs in the thoracic cavity