Respiratory System 9.1

  1. 4. stabilise the trachea and keep it rigid, while allowing the trachea to expand in length when the person breathes
  2. 6. two openings in the nose where air travels through (nostrils)
  3. 7. a phospholipid that reduces the surface tension in the alveoli and prevents them from collapsing
  4. 9. thin, double walled serous membrane that surrounds the lungs
  5. 11. tiny ducts that connect the respiratory bronchioles to alveolar sacs
  6. 12. space between the vocal cords, allows the vocal cords to vibrate
  7. 13. large organs that occupy almost the entire thoracic cavity
  8. 15. muscular passageway that extends from the nasal cavity to the mouth and connects to the esophagus (throat)
  9. 17. the largest cartilaginous plate in the larynx (Adams apple)
  10. 19. small openings in the alveolar walls that allow gases and macrophages to travel between the alveoli
  11. 20. posterior part of the palate composed of soft muscle and tissue and is unsupported by bone
  12. 22. air tube that extends from the larynx into the thorax where it splits into the right and left bronchi (windpipe)
  13. 23. anterior part of the palate supported by bone
  14. 24. gas exchange structure that contains the alveoli and the capillaries surrounding the alveoli
  1. 1. thin walled branches of the bronchi, smallest air conducting passageways of the bronchi
  2. 2. air filled cavities that are lined with mucous membranes surrounding the nose
  3. 3. area of thoracic cavity between the lungs; houses the heart, blood vessels, trachea, esophagus, thoracic duct, and thymus gland
  4. 5. the part of the mouth behind the teeth and gums that is bounded above by the hard and soft palates and below by the tongue and the mucous membrane connecting it with the inner part of the mandible
  5. 8. where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out
  6. 10. muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach; runs behind the windpipe (trachea) and heart, and in front of the spine
  7. 14. a flap of cartilaginous tissue that covers the opening to the trachea; diverts food and liquids to the esophagus during swallowing
  8. 16. area behind the nose, lined with mucous membranes that filter and purify inspired air
  9. 18. three uneven, scroll like nasal bones that extend down through the nasal cavity
  10. 21. the two passageways that branch off the trachea and lead to the left and right lungs
  11. 25. triangular shaped space inferior to the pharynx, responsible for voice production (voice box)