Respiratory System - Adv Mammalian Physiology

  1. 3. Inflammatory condition of the lungs
  2. 5. Nerve that innervates the diaphragm
  3. 7. Largest muscle of the respiratory system
  4. 8. Reduces alveolar surface tension
  5. 9. State in which CO2 is transported
  6. 11. Outer chest wall
  7. 12. The effort required to distend the lung
  8. 13. The voice box
  9. 14. Pressure within the pleural sac
  10. 18. Molecule in blood that carries oxygen
  11. 19. Blueness of the skin in absence of oxygen
  1. 1. oxygen starvation in tissue
  2. 2. The physiologically accurate word for breathing
  3. 4. increased ventilation rate
  4. 6. insufficient oxygen in the blood
  5. 10. Opening to the larynx
  6. 15. Condition of abnormal air in the pleural cavity
  7. 16. Inflammation of the pleural sac
  8. 17. Device that measures lung volume changes