Respiratory system assessment

  1. 1. A breath sound that is best heard over the peripheral lung fields.
  2. 6. Assessing the thorax involves palpating for symmetry of chest vibration or ________.
  3. 8. When assessing the thorax and lungs, ambulatory clients are best assessed in this position.
  4. 11. The trachea divides into the left and right _______________ at the sternal angle.
  5. 12. Breath sounds are most easily auscultated when the client breathes through their ________.
  6. 14. Coughing up blood.
  7. 16. Inspect the thoracic cage for shape and _____________.
  8. 17. Bluish colour caused by insufficient oxygen in the tissues
  9. 19. The acronym SOB stands for this (three words)
  10. 21. The highest point of lung tissue that lies 3-4 cm above the inner third of the clavicle.
  11. 22. A musculoteninous septum that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen.
  12. 23. Term used to describe the subjective experience of difficulty breathing
  13. 25. Routinely inspect breathing for rate, rhythm, effort and _________.
  1. 2. The act of breathing should be quiet, effortless and ____________.
  2. 3. The thorax has decreased ____________ as one’s costal cartilage becomes calcified with age.
  3. 4. Decreased level of oxygen in the blood
  4. 5. Lung that has 3 lobes
  5. 7. A risk factor for lung cancer, lung disease and heart disease.
  6. 9. Blowing sounds that are medium pitched and of medium density, normally heard posteriorly between the scapulae
  7. 10. Asking your client to round these ensures complete auscultation of posterior lung fields.
  8. 13. Bronchial sounds are best heard over this area.
  9. 15. A bony prominence or ridge where the manubrium joins the body of the sternum (two words).
  10. 18. A “musical” adventitious sound that can be heard on auscultation of the lungs.
  11. 20. Lung expansion should be __________________.
  12. 24. Another word for breastbone.