- 1. A breath sound that is best heard over the peripheral lung fields.
- 6. Assessing the thorax involves palpating for symmetry of chest vibration or ________.
- 8. When assessing the thorax and lungs, ambulatory clients are best assessed in this position.
- 11. The trachea divides into the left and right _______________ at the sternal angle.
- 12. Breath sounds are most easily auscultated when the client breathes through their ________.
- 14. Coughing up blood.
- 16. Inspect the thoracic cage for shape and _____________.
- 17. Bluish colour caused by insufficient oxygen in the tissues
- 19. The acronym SOB stands for this (three words)
- 21. The highest point of lung tissue that lies 3-4 cm above the inner third of the clavicle.
- 22. A musculoteninous septum that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen.
- 23. Term used to describe the subjective experience of difficulty breathing
- 25. Routinely inspect breathing for rate, rhythm, effort and _________.
- 2. The act of breathing should be quiet, effortless and ____________.
- 3. The thorax has decreased ____________ as one’s costal cartilage becomes calcified with age.
- 4. Decreased level of oxygen in the blood
- 5. Lung that has 3 lobes
- 7. A risk factor for lung cancer, lung disease and heart disease.
- 9. Blowing sounds that are medium pitched and of medium density, normally heard posteriorly between the scapulae
- 10. Asking your client to round these ensures complete auscultation of posterior lung fields.
- 13. Bronchial sounds are best heard over this area.
- 15. A bony prominence or ridge where the manubrium joins the body of the sternum (two words).
- 18. A “musical” adventitious sound that can be heard on auscultation of the lungs.
- 20. Lung expansion should be __________________.
- 24. Another word for breastbone.