  1. 2. One of the tubes that carry blood from parts of the body back to the heart
  2. 6. the main organ of the respiratory system
  3. 9. a waste gas, out of your body
  4. 11. pumps the oxygen-rich blood out the body
  5. 12. area in the throat through which air passes to and from the lungs
  6. 14. large flat muscle that separates the lungs from the stomach area
  7. 15. commonly called as the voice box
  1. 1. iron-containing respiratory pigment of vertebrate red blood cells
  2. 3. where the air first enters the body
  3. 4. is a passage of airway in the respiratory system
  4. 5. small tube that carries blood to different parts of a person
  5. 7. a long tube in your neck and chest carries air into and out of your lungs
  6. 8. systems of organs functioning in respirations and in humans
  7. 10. where the passages of the nose connect to your mouth and throat
  8. 13. a small air-containing compartment of the lungs