- 2. Cavity where lungs sit
- 4. Leads into the stomach and carries food to be digested.
- 5. Microscopic hair-like structures that line the nasal cavity to filter air breathe.
- 10. the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules
- 13. Aka exhalation
- 14. Third division of the pharynx
- 15. A triangular slit between the vocal cords; closes to prevent material from entering the trachea while swallowing
- 16. Also known as the windpipe
- 17. Air sacs within the lungs
- 19. referring to the lungs
- 21. Aka exhalation
- 23. The process of oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide production at the cellular level
- 24. used to assess how well your lungs work
- 25. Region between the lungs in the chest cavity. Contains the trachea, heart, lymph nodes, aorta, esophagus, and bronchial tubes
- 26. Soft, spongy, cone-shaped organs in the thoracic cavity
- 28. A deficiency of O2 reaching the tissues
- 29. protective secretion of the mucous membranes
- 1. A hollow space behind the nose
- 3. First division of the pharynx
- 6. Muscle beneath the lungs which contracts and relaxes during respiration
- 7. Voice box
- 8. The cartilage in the nose that separates the nostrils.
- 9. Opening through the nose carrying air into the nasal cavities
- 11. Second division of the pharynx
- 12. Protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
- 18. Stops food from entering the airway
- 20. Airways in the lungs which lead to bronchioles and alveoli
- 22. Smallest of the blood vessels through which exchanges take place between the blood and cells of the body
- 27. Supported internally by bone and cartilage, has two nostrils