Respiratory System Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. the active phase of ventilation in which the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles contract (inhalation)
  2. 7. the maximum amount of air that you can breath
  3. 9. a compound formed when the globin portion of hemoglobin combines with excess hydrogen ions
  4. 13. an instrument that measures the air capacity of lungs (respiratory volumes)
  5. 14. the slit between the vocal cords
  6. 16. a flap of tissue that prevents food from passing into the larynx
  7. 17. a tube connecting the larynx to the primarybronchi (called the windpipe)
  8. 21. branch of the trachea that leads to the lungs
  9. 23. compound formed when oxygen combine switch hemoglobin
  10. 24. paired, cone shaped respiratory organs that occupy thoracic activity
  11. 25. the form in which most of the carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma
  12. 26. small tubes that conduct air from the bronchi to the alveoli
  1. 1. a group of cells located in the aorta that are sensitive to blood oxygen levels and influence respiration rate
  2. 2. thin walled sacs in the lungs that allow for rapid gaseous exchange
  3. 3. an enzyme present in red blood cells that speeds the breakdown of carbonic acid during external respiration
  4. 5. mucosal folds supported by elasticligaments
  5. 6. the exchange of gases between air in the alveoli and blood in the pulmonary capillaries
  6. 8. iron-containing respiratory pigment occurring in red blood cells
  7. 10. a dome shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
  8. 11. the exchange of gases between the blood in systemic capillaries and the tissue fluid
  9. 12. a cartilaginous structure that serves as a passageway for air between the pharynx and the trachea
  10. 15. a compound formed when hemoglobin binds with carbon dioxide
  11. 18. sends impulses to the diaphragm and muscles of the ribcage
  12. 19. a funnel shaped passageway that connects the nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  13. 20. a group of cells located in the carotid arteries that are sensitive to blood and oxygen levels and influence respiration rate
  14. 22. passive phase of breathing in which air is expelled from the body (exhalation)