Respiratory System Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. abnormal condition in which the skin and fingernails appear blue due to oxygen deficiency
  2. 6. inflammation of the bronchi
  3. 7. condition of difficulty speaking; hoarseness
  4. 8. inability to breathe unless in an upright position
  5. 12. condition of the lung caused by inhalation of dust
  6. 15. surgical repair of the nose
  7. 17. medical instrument used to visually examine the larynx
  8. 18. pertaining to within the trachea
  9. 19. pus in the chest cavity
  10. 20. medical instrument used to measure breath (lung volumes)
  1. 1. process of excessive ventilation
  2. 2. lung condition caused by inhalation of coal
  3. 3. process of drawing in or out by suction
  4. 5. temporary cessation of breathing
  5. 9. process of coughing and spitting material from the chest
  6. 10. good or normal breathing
  7. 11. surgical excision of the tonsils
  8. 13. (surgical creation of) new opening into the trachea
  9. 14. difficulty in breathing
  10. 16. condition of deficient amounts of oxygen