  1. 2. Allergy-induced inflammation and constriction of the air passageways
  2. 6. Indented region of an organ where vessels and nerves enter or leave
  3. 7. Large air passageway in the lung
  4. 8. Leaf-shaped cartilage that covers the larynx during swallowing
  5. 9. Dome-shaped muscle under the lungs that flattens during inhalation
  6. 10. Increased level of carbon dioxide in the blood
  7. 12. Organ of respiration
  8. 13. Iron-containing protein in red blood cells that binds oxygen
  9. 16. Accumulation of air in the pleural space
  10. 19. Serous membrane that lines the chest cavity and covers the lungs
  11. 20. Tube that extends from the larynx to the bronchi
  12. 21. Pulmonary disease characterized by dilation and destruction of the alveoli
  13. 23. Structure between the pharynx and trachea that contains the vocal cords; voice box
  14. 24. Process by which oxygen is obtained from the environment and delivered to the cells
  1. 1. The ease with which the lungs and thorax can be expanded
  2. 3. Microscopic branch of a bronchus
  3. 4. Nerve that activates the diaphragm
  4. 5. Substance in the alveoli that prevents their collapse by reducing surface tension of the contained fluids
  5. 11. Receptor that responds to chemicals in body fluids
  6. 14. Nosebleed
  7. 15. Throat
  8. 17. Lower than normal level of oxygen in the tissues
  9. 18. Movement of air into and out of the lungs
  10. 22. Region between the lungs and the organs and vessels it contains
  11. 25. Tiny air sac in the lungs through which gases are exchanged