Respiratory system -MM

  1. 5. system is responsible for breathing
  2. 8. muscles located between the ribs that help with respiration
  3. 11. tiny blood vessels which cover the alveoli
  4. 12. responsible for sounds which we make
  5. 13. taking air into the lungs
  6. 14. instrument which measures the volume of air which you breathe in and out
  7. 15. pushing air out of the lungs
  1. 1. where the lungs are located
  2. 2. flexible tube held open by rings of cartilage
  3. 3. the amount of air you breathe in and out as you breathe
  4. 4. area in the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  5. 6. the nuber of breaths taken per minute
  6. 7. small flap of cartilage to stop food entering the windpipe
  7. 9. the air taken into the body during inspiration
  8. 10. the amount of air which remains in the lungs