Respiratory System Organs

  1. 2. air passes through the nose or mouth then into this organ
  2. 3. the pair of spongy, pinkish-gray organs in your chest
  3. 5. small flap of tissue that covers the entrance into the lungs to prevent food from entering lungs
  4. 8. bronchioles divide into smaller passages until they reach this
  5. 10. air enters the lungs through this organ; also called the windpipe
  6. 11. gas exchange takes place, air also enters here
  1. 1. air passes through the trachea into two large passages inside the lungs
  2. 4. bronchi lead into smaller passageways
  3. 6. gas exchange takes place, air first enters the body here
  4. 7. a large muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity which controls breathing
  5. 9. located at the top of the trachea; contains tissue known as vocal cords