Respiratory System Part I

  1. 5. Also called the windpipe.
  2. 7. The only site of gas exchange.
  3. 8. Occupy the entire thoracic cavity.
  4. 10. Commonly called the Adam's apple.
  5. 13. Sinus inflammation.
  6. 14. The process of pulmonary ventilation.
  7. 15. Lay in the skull and act as resonance chambers for speech and produce mucus.
  8. 20. Routes air and food into the proper channels and plays a role in speech.
  9. 22. The passageways from the trachea to the alveoli.
  10. 23. The pharyngotympanic tubes, which drain the _____ ears, open into the nasopharynx
  11. 25. Midline of the nasal cavity.
  1. 1. The passageways from the nose to the larynx.
  2. 2. Supplies the body with oxygen and disposes of carbon dioxide.
  3. 3. Interior of the nose.
  4. 4. Terminal air sacks.
  5. 6. A common passageway for food and air.
  6. 9. Genetic defect funds the failure of the bones forming the palette to fuse medially.
  7. 11. Triggered when anything other than air enters the larynx.
  8. 12. When the pharyngeal tonsil becomes inflamed.
  9. 16. The ______ of each lung is covered with its own visceral serosa.
  10. 17. Mucous–covered projections or lobes.
  11. 18. The pharynx has _____ regions.
  12. 19. Only externally visible part of the respiratory system.
  13. 21. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  14. 24. Separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity.