Respiratory System Review

  1. 2. normal breathing
  2. 4. abnormally rapid respiration
  3. 7. shallow respiration
  4. 8. a prodecure in which the patient is propped at different angles to drain secretions from the lungs? ______ drainage
  5. 9. Absence or almost complete absence of oxygen?
  6. 10. name for a common cold? Acute ______
  7. 12. smallest division of the bronchial tree are the?
  8. 14. Which condition has alternating periods of rapid breathing, slow breathing, and absence of breathing?
  9. 16. spasmodic closure of the larynx
  10. 18. The term meaning absence of spontaneous respiration?
  11. 20. innermost layer of the pleura is called the _____ pleura?
  12. 21. The term meaning spitting blood or blood-stained sputum?
  13. 22. rupture of the trachea
  14. 26. trachea is known as a
  15. 27. What is administered to prevent or relieve coughing?
  16. 28. Adams apple is known as Thyroid ____?
  1. 1. a respiratory condition commonly occurs during colder months?
  2. 3. the ______ carries food and air
  3. 5. abnormal deep respiration
  4. 6. emergency procedure to gain access below a blocked airway is known as?
  5. 11. which term means bleeding from the throat?
  6. 13. fibrosis is a genetic disorder
  7. 15. surgical repair of the nasal septum
  8. 16. paralysis of the larynx
  9. 17. Which region of the chest contains the heart, trachea, esophagus thymus ect?
  10. 18. Which term means black lung disease?
  11. 19. another term for nosebleed
  12. 23. difficult or laboured breathing
  13. 24. inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleura?
  14. 25. word part for lung