Respiratory System Review

  1. 2. enzyme in mucus that destroys bacteria
  2. 4. if this is reduced it is difficult to exhale
  3. 6. this increases with increased temperature
  4. 9. these nasal structures will warm and moisten air
  5. 11. part of brain that controls respiratory center
  6. 12. the rate in which you will breathe with increased CO2
  7. 14. thin cell for rapid diffusion of air
  8. 17. condition which causes resistance to airflow
  9. 18. this condition will make you breathe faster
  10. 19. structures for immunity but can be removed
  11. 21. structure that prevents food from entering lung
  12. 22. expiration is this type of process
  13. 23. amount of pressure when lung collapses
  1. 1. can pass through the pharynx
  2. 3. white blood cell that carries bad particles
  3. 5. tiny hairs that line the respiratory tract
  4. 6. if you can control breathing during singing
  5. 7. this will make you breathe faster
  6. 8. sticky liquid that can capture particles
  7. 10. this increases when volume decreases
  8. 13. gas that controls rate/depth of breathing
  9. 15. flow of air when pressure increases in the lungs
  10. 16. prevents alveoli from collapsing
  11. 20. flow of air when chest increases and pressure increases
  12. 22. nerve that controls the diaphragm