Respiratory system Rister 4-2024

  1. 2. The two main branches of the trachea that lead into the lungs, where air passes through to reach the smaller airways.
  2. 5. A medical device used to measure lung function by assessing the volume and flow of air inhaled and exhaled.
  3. 7. Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs. Oxygen from the air is absorbed into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is released from the bloodstream into the air.
  4. 9. A chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing.
  5. 11. A dome-shaped muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing. When it contracts, it flattens out and pulls downward, increasing the space in the chest cavity and allowing the lungs to expand.
  6. 13. Dioxide A waste product of cellular metabolism. It's expelled from the body during exhalation.
  7. 14. The part of the throat that connects the nasal cavity and mouth to the esophagus and trachea. It serves as a passage for air and food.
  8. 15. The process of breathing, which involves inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
  9. 17. A flap of tissue at the base of the tongue that closes off the windpipe during swallowing, preventing food or liquid from entering the airway.
  10. 19. The organs in the chest that are responsible for breathing. They take in oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide.
  11. 20. The smaller air passages in the lungs that branch off from the bronchi and carry air to the alveoli.
  1. 1. A gas essential for life. It's taken in during respiration and used by the body's cells to produce energy.
  2. 3. Rate The number of breaths taken per minute. It varies depending on factors like activity level, age, and health condition.
  3. 4. Tiny hair-like structures lining the respiratory tract that help trap dust, bacteria, and other particles, preventing them from entering the lungs.
  4. 6. System The organs and tissues involved in breathing, including the nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.
  5. 8. The process of inhaling and exhaling air. It's essential for supplying oxygen to the body and removing carbon dioxide.
  6. 10. Also known as the windpipe, it's the tube that carries air from the nose and mouth to the lungs.
  7. 12. A sensation of difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. It can be caused by various factors, including physical exertion, respiratory conditions, or anxiety.
  8. 16. Cavity The space inside the nose through which air passes before reaching the throat and lungs. It's lined with mucous membranes that help filter and humidify the air.
  9. 18. Function Test A diagnostic test that measures how well the lungs are functioning by assessing factors like lung capacity and airflow.