Respiratory System Study puzzle

  1. 2. respiration combination of oxygen and glucose to produce ATP, CO2, and H2O
  2. 5. inside membrane of pleura attaching to lung
  3. 6. chronic condition that results in permanent damage from alveoli rupture, distension or clumping
  4. 10. surrounds voicebox
  5. 12. open space between vocal cords or opening of trachea
  6. 13. disease of bronchi and bronchioles causing smooth muscle to constrict and cause wheezing
  7. 15. center located in medulla oblongata responsible for regulating breathing rate
  8. 16. respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between systematic capillaries and body cells
  9. 18. movement of air in and out of lungs
  10. 20. nerve that carries impulse from respiration centre to diaphragm and spinal nerves to intercostal muscles
  11. 21. respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries
  12. 24. tiny hair like structures throughout system to help remove dust, pathogens and microbes
  13. 25. triangular box like structure composed of several pieces of cartilage
  14. 26. bodies sensory receptors sensitive to low levels of oxygen
  1. 1. otherwise known as macrophages found in alveoli responsible for destroying bacteria and carbon particle
  2. 3. lipoprotein preventing collapsing of alveoli during expiration
  3. 4. piece of tissue hangs down involved in sneezing
  4. 7. common to respiratory and digestive systems
  5. 8. tiny tubes contain no cartilage, thin layer of smooth muscle and lined with a simple epithelium
  6. 9. may be caused by bacterial or viral infection filling alveoli with thick fluid
  7. 11. composed of lymphatic tissue and protect body from pathogens
  8. 14. condition caused by inflammation of mucus membrane of bronchi causing narrowing of passageway
  9. 17. outside membrane of pleura lines thoracic cavity assisting in breathing movements
  10. 19. single layer of squamous epithelial cells that serves as functional unit of lung
  11. 20. fluid filled double serous membrane sac surrounding each lung
  12. 22. tube that is 12 by 2.5 inches made up of c shaped cartilage, smooth muscle and connective tissue
  13. 23. two cone shaped organs protected by ribs, sternum and spine