Respiratory System

  1. 3. air sacs or little cushions inside the lung that fill up with oxygen
  2. 6. paired organs in the chest that are primary components of respiration
  3. 7. airways that lead into lungs are called?
  4. 8. is connected to the bronchi and are smaller airways just before the lungs
  5. 11. the front section of the neck above the larynx
  1. 1. the stuff we constantly need to breathe in to survive!
  2. 2. dirty air or waste our respiratory system needs to get rid off. If it can't we die!
  3. 4. the voice box is a part of the respiratory system
  4. 5. muscle that helps you to breathe at the bottom most part of the respiratory system
  5. 9. it is on our face, purifies air, warms cool air, but cannot purify Beijing air
  6. 10. the windpipe without which we would all die!