Respiratory System

  1. 1. nose bleeding
  2. 3. soft spongy, cone-shaped organs in the thoracic cavity
  3. 4. windpipe, extends downward in front of esophagus
  4. 7. when the septum bends to one side
  5. 10. max. amount of air a person can exhale
  6. 13. air remaining in the lungs even after forceful exhalation
  7. 14. behind the oral cavity,between the nasal cavity and larynx
  8. 16. branched airways leading from the trachea to the air sacs in the lungs
  9. 18. gas exchange between the blood and body cells
  10. 19. clusters or air sacs at the end of the bronchioles
  11. 20. spongy bone that divide the nasal cavity, support the mucus membrane and increases surface area
  12. 22. when the mucus membrane becomes swollen and prevents the vocal cords from vibrating freely
  13. 24. type of cell in the alveoli
  1. 1. flaplike structure that stands upright, allows air to enter larynx, during swallowing it presses downward and prevents food from entering air passages
  2. 2. reduces tendency of alveoli to collapse
  3. 5. the process of oxygen use and CO2 productionat the cellular level
  4. 6. moves downward and the atmospheric pressure in the alveoli falls, which forces air into the airways
  5. 8. gas exchange between blood and air
  6. 9. the amount of air that enters the lungs during 1 cycle
  7. 11. held tightly together, move with the contractions of muscles
  8. 12. left and right bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs in the lungs
  9. 15. produce sound
  10. 17. enlargement at the top of the trachea and below pharynx, conducts air in and out of trachea
  11. 21. fluid in pleural cavity that lubricates surfaces during breathing
  12. 23. triangular slit that opens during breathing/talking, and closes during swallowing