Respiratory System

  1. 3. when air is flowing into the lungs
  2. 7. the respiratory system works very closely with this other system
  3. 13. the more superficial serous membrane covering the lungs
  4. 16. separates your nostrils
  5. 17. the air that stays in the conducting zone and never reaches the respiratory zone
  6. 20. where the lungs decrease in size (decrease volume), you would expect the pressure to be _______
  7. 22. prevents food from going down the wrong tube
  1. 1. branched bronchi
  2. 2. common passageway for food, fluids, and air
  3. 4. normal, quiet breathing
  4. 5. the terminal ends of bronchioles that is the actual site of gas exchange
  5. 6. has C-shaped cartilage rings; another name for windpipe
  6. 7. trachea, bronchi, and your nose falls into this zone category
  7. 8. the volume within the lungs
  8. 9. serous membrane layer directly connected to the surface of the lungs
  9. 10. zone that includes bronchioles and alveoli
  10. 11. the air that always remains in the lungs
  11. 12. abbreviation that stands for the maximum amount of air your can inhale
  12. 14. another name for voicebox
  13. 15. muscle inferior to the lungs that is dome-shaped when relaxed
  14. 18. respiratory event where gas exchanged between the blood and the body's exterior
  15. 19. abbreviation that stands for the maximum amount of air you can exhale
  16. 21. expiration is a ____________ passive process because the lungs are naturally elastic