Respiratory System

  1. 2. Any of the major air passages of the lungs that diverge from the windpipe.
  2. 3. The part of the mouth behind the teeth and gums that is bounded above by the hard and soft palates and below by the tongue and the mucous membrane connecting it with the inner part of the mandible.
  3. 6. a large air filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face.
  4. 8. A respiratory disorder marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
  5. 10. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs.
  6. 12. The voice box.
  1. 1. An epithelial tissue that secretes mucus and that lines many body cavities and tubular organs including the gut and respiratory passages.
  2. 4. Any of the many tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.
  3. 5. A short, microscopic, hairlike vibrating structure
  4. 7. A large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; the windpipe.
  5. 9. Each of the pair of organs situated within the rib cage, consisting of elastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawn, so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed.
  6. 11. It connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus.