- 3. The windpipe.
- 4. The gas our respiratory system helps us get rid of.
- 5. Small tubes that lead to alveoli.
- 7. The voice box.
- 8. Where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
- 12. Inhaling and exhaling.
- 14. Gas needed for cellular respiration.
- 1. Disease where bronchioles constrict making breathing difficult.
- 2. The throat.
- 4. chemical reaction releasing energy from food.
- 5. Tube that splits off of the trachea.
- 6. Material that forms the rings in the trachea.
- 9. Sponge-like organs that contain alveoli.
- 10. Air sacs in the lungs.
- 11. Dome-shaped muscle under the lungs.
- 13. Warms and filters the air coming in to our system.