Respiratory System

  1. 7. loss of voice
  2. 8. intermittent involuntary contractions of the diaphragm
  3. 9. expulsion of air to clear the respiratory tract
  4. 10. rapid shallow breathing
  5. 14. another name for nostrils
  6. 15. exchange of gases between blood and tissues
  7. 16. laboured or difficult breathing
  8. 17. primary organ of respiration
  9. 20. inflammation of the bronchial mucosa
  10. 22. exhalation
  11. 23. nerve that carries impulses to the diaphragm
  12. 28. absence of normal breathing
  13. 29. site of gas exchange in the lungs
  14. 30. mechanical action of inhaling and exhaling
  15. 33. allergic rhinitis
  16. 34. air filled cavity in the skull
  1. 1. chronic inflammatory disorder
  2. 2. connects larynx to bronchi
  3. 3. exchanges with carbon dioxide
  4. 4. exchange of gases between lungs and blood
  5. 5. fast breathing
  6. 6. sense of smell
  7. 9. ridges in the upper portion of the nasal cavity
  8. 11. inflammation of the pharynx
  9. 12. inflammation of the sinuses
  10. 13. voice box
  11. 15. structure that closes the trachea during swallowing
  12. 18. main muscle of respiration
  13. 19. lung infection
  14. 21. slow breathing
  15. 24. involuntary expulsion of air through the nose and mouth
  16. 25. throat
  17. 26. nasal hairs that trap particles
  18. 27. deep inhalation, opening mouth wide
  19. 31. nose bleed
  20. 32. grooved passageway