Respiratory system

  1. 3. External respiration is also known as '... gas exchange'
  2. 5. With chemical symbol 'C'
  3. 7. Network of blood vessels around alveoli
  4. 8. Protects larynx from food getting into it
  5. 10. Process of breathing in and out
  6. 11. Main left and right ...
  7. 13. Begining of the air passageway
  8. 14. Consists of nasopharynx and oropharynx
  9. 15. Anatomical space where air doesn't take part in gas exchange
  10. 16. Superior and inferior in left lung
  11. 17. Internal respiration is also known as '... gas exchange'
  12. 19. Volume of air breathed in during quiet breathing
  1. 1. Dome-shaped muscle aiding breathing
  2. 2. Transports O2 in RBC
  3. 4. Process of passive transport in alveoli
  4. 5. Receptors detecting changes in CO2 and O2 in blood
  5. 6. Gas exchange takes place there
  6. 9. Contains voice box
  7. 12. With chemical symbol 'O'
  8. 18. Consists of 'C' shaped cartilage