Respiratory System

  1. 3. passway for food and air; a cavity.
  2. 4. gas exchange takes place here.
  3. 5. deadly disease where something spread to many areas of the body.
  4. 6. releasing air out.
  5. 10. a disease in which bronchitis become inflamed and clogged with mucus.
  6. 12. first organ where air enter and is filtered.
  7. 13. tiny air sacs branching from bronchioles.
  8. 14. lung tissue have been broken down and elasticity is lost.
  9. 16. prevents the entrance of food and drinks into the larynx.
  1. 1. an artery that supplies blood all around the body.
  2. 2. breathing air in.
  3. 4. two folds of tissues that include the vocal cords.
  4. 7. smaller passages of bronchi.
  5. 8. the windpipe that closes pathway to lungs in food presence.
  6. 9. a muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  7. 11. supplies blood to brain, neck, and face; keeps carbon levels in balance.
  8. 15. two tubes connected to trachea and bronchioles.