  1. 4. Type of hypoxia in circulatory failure
  2. 7. The main inspiratory center in the medulla is called as the:
  3. 9. Afferent and efferent nerve supply of aortic bodies:
  4. 10. A condition responsible for wheezing lung sounds in asthma.
  5. 14. Type of hypoxia in low atmospheric PO2 levels.
  6. 16. Shift of oxy hemoglobin curve to right due to decreased oxygen, increased CO2, H+, temperature:
  7. 17. Shape of oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
  8. 18. Hering breuer reflex is activated a tidal volume above:
  9. 19. Receptors located between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries, stimulated by hyperinflation and pulmonary edema:
  10. 20. Most abundant form of byproduct formed, for the transport of CO2:
  11. 22. Normal Breath sounds
  12. 24. The stimulus acting on peripheral chemoreceptors:
  13. 25. The respiratory center involved in overdrive mechanism during exercise:
  1. 1. Formation of O2 bubbles due to decreased PO2 in atmosphere than in blood.
  2. 2. Movement of chloride ions in exchange of HCO3-, formed in the RBCs.
  3. 3. Type of hypoxia in enzyme inhibition
  4. 5. The respiratory center controlling ‘switch off’ point of inspiratory ramp:
  5. 6. Afferent nerve supply of carotid bodies:
  6. 8. A sudden decompression occurring due to rapid ascent from bottom of sea to the surface resulting in formation of small N2 bubbles and choking of microcirculation.
  7. 11. HYPERBOLA Oxy Hb curve of myoglobin w.r.t. hemoglobin:
  8. 12. Shift of Oxy Hb curve of Fetal hemoglobin w.r.t. adult Hb:
  9. 13. Type of hypoxia in decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood
  10. 15. The stimulus acting on central chemoreceptors:
  11. 21. Bluish discoloration of peripheral parts and mucous membranes due to increase in reduced Hb levels >5%
  12. 23. Carbon dioxide narcosis occurs when levels of inspired CO2 (%) is more than: