Respiratory System

  1. 2. This and Cromolyn are used for prophylactic treatment of bronchial asthma?
  2. 4. This is the most common risk factor for COPD?
  3. 7. A new anticholinergic drug used to treat asthmatic conditions by dilating the bronchioles?
  4. 9. An inflammatory disorder of the airway walls associated with a varying amount of airway obstruction?
  5. 10. Afrin is a type of what decongestant?
  6. 11. These suppress the cough reflex?
  7. 13. An example of a methylxanthine (xanthine) derivative?
  8. 18. Member of the corticosteroid family and are used to treat respiratory disorders, particularly asthma?
  9. 19. This may increase the effect of the theophylline group and may cause toxicity?
  10. 20. Zyrtec is an example of an antihistamine usesd to treat what type of rhinitis?
  11. 21. Also called watery nasal discharge?
  12. 22. Used to loosen bronchial secretions so they can be eliminated by coughing?
  13. 23. This type of lung disease involves a decrease in total lung capacity as a result of fluid accumulation or loss of elasticity of the lung?
  14. 24. This is a chemical mediator that can cause inflammatory changes in the lungs?
  15. 25. These act like detergents to liquefy and loosen thick mucous secretions so they can be expectorated?
  16. 27. Also known as bronchoconstriction?
  17. 28. The movement of air from outside the body, thru the upper and lower airways to the alveoli?
  1. 1. Herbal decongestant?
  2. 3. The process by which gas exchange occurs at the alveolar-capillary membrane?
  3. 5. The first beta-adrenergic agent used to treat bronchospasms?
  4. 6. Local side effects associated with orally inhaled glucocorticoids include: dry mouth, throat irritation, coughing, and ?
  5. 8. Used to treat bacterial respiratory infections?
  6. 11. Also known as the common cold?
  7. 12. Rebound nasal congestion is caused by irritation of the ?
  8. 14. Are commonly used as cold remedies and also treat allergic rhinitis?
  9. 15. The best medication for treating an acute bronchospasm?
  10. 16. When there is an abnormal dilation of the bronchi and brocnhioles?
  11. 17. This drug may decrease the effect of beta blockers when taken with decongestants?
  12. 18. The most commonly used expectorant?
  13. 26. The respiratory tract is divided into two major parts: and lower?