Respiratory System

  1. 9. a tube that connects the trachea to the lung
  2. 11. if we do not cough out mucus, then it is ________________.
  3. 12. tube that leads to the stomach
  4. 15. help our thorax to expand
  5. 16. this side of your lung is bigger
  6. 17. membrane prevents friction with other organs
  7. 19. has a dome shape when relaxed
  8. 22. prevents food from travelling down the esophagus
  9. 23. voice box
  10. 25. its outer surface is made of cartilage
  11. 26. inhaled air is rich in this gas
  12. 27. Catches microbes
  1. 1. you breath through this when you are sick
  2. 2. during inhalation, the diaphragm____________
  3. 3. structure that protects our lungs
  4. 4. this is where the gas exchange happens
  5. 5. during inhalation, the lung __________ in volume
  6. 6. tiny blood vessels
  7. 7. enters here
  8. 8. the act of breathing in and out
  9. 10. exhaled air is rich in this gas
  10. 13. warms and moistens the air
  11. 14. the organ of the respiratory system
  12. 18. the throat
  13. 20. allows for the exchange of gases, from high to low
  14. 21. hair-like structures in the trachea
  15. 24. your heart is found on this side of your body