Respiratory System

  1. 1. Disorder that causes the airways of the lungs to swell or narrow
  2. 4. Pain in the chest
  3. 6. Inflammation of the tissue that covers the trachea
  4. 8. Abnormal build up of fluid in the airsacs of the lungs
  5. 9. Loss of voice
  6. 10. Inflammation in the lining of the chest and lungs
  7. 11. Profuse nosebleed
  8. 13. Blockage in the main artery of the lung or in one of its branches
  9. 14. Most common lung disease; makes it hard to breathe
  10. 18. Respiratory system infection that involves the larynx, trachea, and bronchioles
  11. 22. Low to no oxygen
  12. 23. Test used to see if you have a mycobacterium infection
  13. 24. To remove by aspiration
  1. 1. Collapsed part of the lung
  2. 2. Allows you to look in the airways of the lungs
  3. 3. Orginates in a hospital or in a hospital-like setting
  4. 5. Hernia in the diaphragm
  5. 7. Spasms of the larynx
  6. 12. Purified protein derivative
  7. 15. Measures the amount of oxygen in the blood
  8. 16. Disorders of the voice
  9. 17. Pus in the pleural cavity
  10. 19. Procedure that removes fluid from the pleura
  11. 20. Infection of the lungs and skin characterized by sputum and nodules
  12. 21. Bleeding from the nose