Respiratory System

  1. 3. a tube at the back of the throat that connects the nose and mouth. It is where food and air pass through this tube.
  2. 4. has two openings called the nostrils and is used for smelling and breathing
  3. 6. also known as windpipe that stretches from the neck down to the chest. It is lined with mucus-producing cells and epithelial cells.
  4. 8. these are tiny air sacs that have network of pulmonary capillaries.
  5. 10. is a tiny coarse hair that are found along the walls of the nostrils. It is important in trapping and filtering foreign bodies.
  6. 11. front part of the neck between the chin and the collarbone. It contains the tonsils and other respiratory tract organs.
  1. 1. are the chief breathing organs where exchange of gases takes place.
  2. 2. these are smaller tubes that look like inverted trees with branches and twigs. They contain millions of tiny air sacs.
  3. 5. the lower end of the trachea that splits into two narrow tubes. They are responsible for carrying air to the lungs.
  4. 7. a thick, sticky fluid that covers the surface of the air passages and traps and filters foreign bodies too.
  5. 9. found between the back of the tongue and the trachea. It is also called the voice box that is responsible for human voice.