Respiratory System

  1. 6. The respiratory system works closely with this system
  2. 8. the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi
  3. 9. Inflammation of Larynx
  4. 14. Inflammation of Pleura
  5. 16. What cells need to survive
  6. 17. Trachea divides into two ______
  7. 18. Process of breathing
  8. 20. Another name for the common cold
  9. 23. Breathing in air
  10. 25. tube in chest (windpipe)
  11. 28. Cartilage that closes opening to the Larynx
  1. 1. Inflammation of bronchi
  2. 2. Bronchi divide into _______
  3. 3. Respiratory disorder usually due to sensitivity to allergen
  4. 4. Throat
  5. 5. dome-shaped, muscular partition, a major role in breathing
  6. 7. Cell waste
  7. 10. Condition where one stops breathing during sleep
  8. 11. inflammation/infection of lungs characterized by fluid buildup
  9. 12. Main organs in respiratory system
  10. 13. Infectious lung disease caused by bacterium
  11. 14. Someone who studies the lungs
  12. 15. Cavities in the skull around the nasal area
  13. 19. Alveoli are surrounded by this
  14. 21. Breathing out air
  15. 22. Adam's Apple or Voice Box
  16. 24. Each lung is enclosed in this membrane
  17. 26. Walls of Alveoli lose elasticity
  18. 27. tiny air sacs of lungs which allow for gas exchange