Respiratory System

  1. 3. The tiny hairs that keep mucus and dirt out of your lungs
  2. 4. I _____so my diaphragm relax and doomed.
  3. 7. about 78% in air
  4. 9. When you _______ the volume of thorax increase
  5. 10. process in which energy is released from food
  6. 11. _________ is not good for your lungs.
  7. 13. The voice box is also known as the
  1. 1. just below the voice box in front of the esophagus
  2. 2. Exchange of air occurs in _______ which are also known as 'air sacs'
  3. 5. leaf-like structure which prevents the entry of food into respiratory passages
  4. 6. Flattish, dome-shaped muscle that contract and relax to aid in inhaling and exhaling.
  5. 8. The trachea is also called the:
  6. 12. gas needed to help release energy from food