Respiratory System

  1. 5. Extremely thin-walled structures,______, that carry blood to undergo gas exchanging
  2. 9. C-shaped rings, also known as hyaline ______, that support the trachea from collapsing
  3. 10. Air space, ____, in upper area right above the voice box(larynx)
  4. 11. TINY air sacs called ______ where gas exchange occurs (about 300 million)
  1. 1. Thin branch-like tubes that extend off of each bronchus known as _________
  2. 2. ______ tube that leads to the lungs
  3. 3. The ___ _____ joins with the nasal passage in the pharynx
  4. 4. Oral cavity connects with the ____ ______ in the pharynx, which eventually leads to the trachea
  5. 6. Muscle underneath the lungs that helps push air out is the ________
  6. 7. The ____ houses the vocal chords. A.K.A. Adam’s Apple
  7. 8. The _____ structures eventually break off into smaller tube-like passageways in the lungs
  8. 12. Air sacs that inflate and deflate as gases enter and leave, simply known as ______