Respiratory System

  1. 3. Part of the lungs that actually fill with air
  2. 6. _____ glands protect the alveoli from particles that were inhaled
  3. 8. The ______ network bed allows for exchange to happen in each alveolar sac
  4. 10. This connects the nasal cavity and mouth superiorly to the larynx and esophagus inferiorly
  5. 11. _____ cells produce mucous
  6. 12. Type ___ cells produce surfactant, which allows alveoli to inflate and hold air
  7. 14. Alveolar ____ connect adjacent alveoli, allowing air pressure throughout the lung to be equalized and providing alternate air routes to any alveoli whose bronchi have collapsed due to disease
  8. 15. The main functions of the __________ system are gas exchange between air and lungs, gas exchange between blood and tissue, moving air to exchange regions, protection of respiratory surfaces, communication, and olfactory sense
  9. 17. The voice box; Its two main tasks are to provide an open airway and to act as a switching mechanism to route air and food into the proper channels
  10. 18. The main passageway into the lungs
  11. 19. Provides an airway for respiration, moistens and warms entering air, filters and cleans inspired air, serves as a resonating chamber for speech, and houses the olfactory receptors
  1. 1. The windpipe; Allows the esophagus to stretch when a large bite is taken
  2. 2. The muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the lower abdominopelvic cavity; when contracted pulls down on the pleura to alter the pressure in the thoracic cavity
  3. 4. Prevents food and drink from going down the airway
  4. 5. Tiny, hairlike projections embedded into the walls of the epithelial cells in the respiratory tract for filtration
  5. 7. Paranasal ______ lighten the skull and together with the nasal cavity they warm and moisten the air
  6. 9. Membrane surrounding the lungs that acts like a vacuum seal; When the diaphragm contracts, it pulls down on this membrane to increase the volume in the thoracic cavity
  7. 12. _____ bronchioles have the ability to undergo bronchiomotion; Terminate the bronchi
  8. 13. Respiratory ______ respirate the alveoli; Bring air into the air sacs
  9. 16. All of the tissue that exists outside of the alveoli to hold the capillaries tightly to the outside of the alveolar sacs