Respiratory Therapy - Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Aerosolized medication used to loosen or thin mucus
  2. 4. A surgical airway
  3. 7. The absence of spontaneous breathing
  4. 9. Used with MDI to ensure the delivery of the medication to the bronchioles
  5. 11. The act of taking air into the lungs
  6. 12. The gold standard for confirming an ETT
  7. 13. What connects the larynx to the bronchi
  8. 14. an abnormal bluish discoloration of the skin
  9. 15. Air in the pleural space
  10. 16. Tiny air sacs within the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  11. 17. What is a collection of mucus that results in an occlusion of the airway called?
  12. 18. A high-pitched adventitious lung sound heard when an upper airway obstruction is present
  13. 21. Tool of the trade
  14. 23. Also known as a barking cough
  15. 24. The largest respiratory muscle
  16. 25. combination short acting medication of ipratropium and albuterol
  1. 1. A piece of medical technology that helps patients breathe or breathes for them
  2. 2. A type of medication that relaxes smooth muscle tissue in the lungs to relieve constriction
  3. 5. A non-surgical airway
  4. 6. The bifurcation of the trachea that separates into the right and left mainstem bronchi
  5. 8. The average pressure applied to the airway over time during mechanical ventilation
  6. 10. What breath sound will you most likely hear on an asthmatic patient?
  7. 19. AAMC vision – Living Healthier ______
  8. 20. The inability to breath easy while lying flat is called?
  9. 22. The trachea is lined with rings of ________?