Respiratory Tract

  1. 3. warms,humidify,and filters inhaled air
  2. 4. the smallest airway in the respiratory tract
  3. 6. Splits the trachea into two airways
  4. 8. contains three pairs of tonsils
  5. 9. commonly known as the voice box
  6. 12. air flow resistance is higher in ____ flow
  7. 13. an organized flow of air
  8. 15. hairy structure that moves debris up and out of the airways
  9. 17. the respiratory tract is divided into the upper and ___ respiratory tracts
  10. 18. the primary muscle that pushes air in and out of the lung
  1. 1. a leaf shaped flap that prevents food from entering the respiratory tract
  2. 2. a diatomic gas with a molar mass of 32
  3. 5. curved bones within the nasal cavity
  4. 7. common viral infection of the respiratory tract
  5. 10. a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways
  6. 11. is composed by rings of cartilage connected by smooth muscle
  7. 12. lymphoid organs which serves as the immune system's first line of defense
  8. 14. tiny balloon shaped air sacs that uptakes oxygen
  9. 16. the only human organ that can float on water
  10. 19. the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that causes a brief closure of the vocal cord