Respiratory & Urinary system

  1. 1. emptying of the urinary bladder.
  2. 5. tonsil located in the nasopharynx.
  3. 7. Results when blood becomes alkaline.
  4. 10. Cavities within bones surrounding the nasal cavity .
  5. 13. smell receptors on the superior surface of the nose.
  6. 15. Fat capsule surrounds the kidney and cushions against blows.
  1. 2. receptors in the hypothalamus are receptive to blood pressure.
  2. 3. The total mount of exchangeable air.
  3. 4. subdivide into smaller and smaller branches.
  4. 6. cup-shaped extensions of the renal pelvis that enclose the renal pyramids.
  5. 8. Most oxygen travels to the haemoglobin and forms ______.
  6. 9. A medial indentation where several structures enter or exit the kidney.
  7. 11. end product of protein breakdown.
  8. 12. cavity responsible for humidifying air and trapping particles.
  9. 14. volume of air that remains in the lungs after expiration.