Respiratory/circulatory CrossWord

  1. 2. branches into smaller tubes called bronchioles
  2. 4. blood travels through these tubes from the heart to the body
  3. 5. collect and stick to the vessel at the wound site
  4. 10. Caused by smoking and breathing toxic materials in
  5. 12. carries oxygen to all of the body's cells
  6. 13. Long tube in the chest cavity
  7. 14. Before the Epiglottis but after the Nasal cavity
  8. 16. Respiratory pathways become irritated and bronchioles constrict
  9. 18. Alternating expansion and relaxation of an artery causing this
  10. 19. carries oxygen depleted blood back to the heart
  11. 20. Inhaling and Exhaling
  1. 1. Measure of how much pressure is exerted against the blood vessels by the blood
  2. 3. pumps blood throughout the body
  3. 6. Holds most of the oxygen
  4. 7. underneath the lungs;helps you to breathe out
  5. 8. the start of the respiratory system
  6. 9. Carries the blood and other important nutrients for the body
  7. 11. Blood comes from the Superior Vena-Cava to this chamber of the heart
  8. 15. smallest of all blood vessels
  9. 17. Individual air sacks