Respiratory/Circulatory System

  1. 3. Tiny sacs in the lungs where lungs and blood exhange O2 and CO2
  2. 7. Move microbes and debris out
  3. 8. windpipe
  4. 9. Receives O2 and releases CO2
  5. 10. pumps oxygen-rich blood up into your aorta
  6. 11. Openings that pull/push air
  7. 12. major muscle of respiration that contracts rhythmically
  8. 13. Pumps blood through your body
  9. 14. main artery that carries blood away from your heart to the rest of your body
  10. 15. voice box
  1. 1. Main airways into lungs
  2. 2. making sure that blood flows from your left atrium to your left ventricle
  3. 4. Tube that delivers air from mouth/nose to the trachea
  4. 5. carries blood from the head, neck, arms, and chest
  5. 6. allow blood to flow into the heart from the body to flow to the right ventricle where it's pumped to the lungs for oxygen
  6. 10. empties blood into the left ventricle