Return To Roar

  1. 1. The Tangled _____ is where the unicorns live.
  2. 3. Crowky wrote "What's In the ____" on Win's cave.
  3. 6. Win helped the Lost Girls build a _______.
  4. 7. The unicorn was eating a ________.
  5. 9. ______ Playgo Islands is where Mitch lives.
  6. 11. How many legs does an octopus have?
  7. 12. ______ whistles for the dragons to come.
  8. 14. The dragon that Win and Arthur ride on.
  9. 16. The Chief of the Lost Girls.
  1. 2. The land created by Arthur and Rose.
  2. 4. The Crow's Nest is in the Bottomless _______.
  3. 5. Who tried to ride a unicorn?
  4. 8. Arthur is a ___________ of Roar.
  5. 10. The dragon that Rose rides on.
  6. 13. What sea creature grabs hold of Arthur?
  7. 15. A ______ octopus grabs Arthur.