Reuben's natural world

  1. 5. a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain or from the northeast between October and April
  2. 7. a strong ocean current that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico into the Atlantic Ocean.
  3. 8. clearing of trees
  4. 10. materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature
  5. 11. the production of making electricity from water
  6. 17. a transition zone between two different air masses
  7. 19. Earths prevaling winds
  8. 20. There are 5 MAJOR thing of these
  1. 1. group of animals and plants the need each other
  2. 2. resources that can be renewed
  3. 3. resources that can not be renewed
  4. 4. gas,coal,oil,and petroleum
  5. 6. the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material
  6. 9. the natural home or environment of an organism.
  7. 12. large streams of surface seawater, they move heat around the earth.
  8. 13. surroundings
  9. 14. to die out
  10. 15. a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year (occurring chiefly in polar regions)
  11. 16. the process of turning into a desert
  12. 18. usual weather around a certain area