- 2. Around his chest was a golden ______
- 3. He said he held the keys to death and _____.
- 6. The stars represent _______.
- 8. The first letter of the Greek alphabet.
- 10. First church mentioned
- 11. Sixth church mentioned
- 14. Fourth church mentioned
- 16. His hair was as white as what?
- 19. To whom John should send the scroll?
- 20. How many churches are brought up?
- 21. Third church mentioned
- 22. His _____ were like burnished bronze.
- 1. Seventh church mentioned
- 4. Fifth church mentioned
- 5. The last letter of the Greek alphabet.
- 7. Then the man said, "I am the first and the _____"
- 9. Who did God send to John?
- 12. What island John was on because of the word of
- 13. His ______ was like the roar of many waters.
- 15. What was the description of the voice behind John?
- 17. His eyes were like blazing ____.
- 18. Who wrote Revelation?
- 20. Second church mentioned