Review #2

  1. 7. Longer books (Isiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel)
  2. 9. preaching of the lessons of Jesus
  3. 10. A term for non-Jews
  4. 11. looking a translations
  5. 12. concerning the "end time"
  1. 1. St. Jerome's fourth century translation of the bible from Greek into common language of the people of his day, Latin
  2. 2. the teaching of Jesus
  3. 3. in the back of the Bible
  4. 4. The official list of inspired books of the Bible Catholics list 46 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books
  5. 5. looking a literary types or genres
  6. 6. The process used by scholars to discover the literal meaning of the biblical text
  7. 7. Shorter books (Hosea, Joel, Amos)
  8. 8. meaning instruction or law