Review 5.4-5.7

  1. 2. The practice of subcontrating overseas
  2. 4. Unpredictable event that harms an organization
  3. 7. Form of innovation associated with technical development
  4. 9. Form of creativity that applies the existing
  5. 11. The practice of performing peripherical activities internally
  6. 12. Type of innovation where product is improved
  7. 14. Crisis... are the steps to limit the damage
  8. 15. Time it takes to order new stock and receiving it
  9. 17. Acronym for stock control of holding material
  10. 18. Bringing back business functions
  11. 19. Disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
  1. 1. Is important in crisis management
  2. 3. Bulk... is buying to build bigger
  3. 5. Is the chain of connected organizations, information, etc.
  4. 6. Type of innovation which change the industry itself
  5. 8. Is the minimum amount of stock
  6. 10. Form of creativity that generates new forms
  7. 12. Contingency... is the attempt to put in place procedures to deal with a crisis
  8. 13. Acronym for stock control to get supplies only when necessary
  9. 16. Employing another business to perform some peripherical sctivities