Review: Europe, 1800s-1945

  1. 5. In March of 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass the ____________________, which allowed him to sell or lend war materials to "any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States."
  2. 6. In the decade the followed WWI, citizens of war-ravaged European nations, desperate for relief from economic crises, embraced leaders who appealed to a sense of national pride; this allowed for several _____________ leaders to rise to power.
  3. 7. This international organization set up in 1919 to keep world peace, failed because it had no power, no army, it was unable to act quickly, and not all countries joined the organization:
  4. 10. Beginning in the late 19th century, European nations formed _________________ to discourage or prevent rival countries from attacking them.
  5. 11. Giving into the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace is known as: (ex. Britain allowing Germany to annex Czechoslovakia)
  6. 13. A young Jewish man shot and wounded a German diplomat in Paris in retaliation for the treatment of his parents; the German’s used this to justify this event:
  7. 15. In December 1941, the Japanese attacked __________ which led to U.S. involvement in World War II.
  8. 17. Following World War I, anger at the loss of promised territories, unemployment, labor disorder, and weak governments, were many of the problems that ________ faced.
  9. 20. The enormous power of the German military was revealed in their "lightning war", or __________ against Poland in 1939.
  10. 22. Around the end of the 19th century, nationalistic feelings led to the creation of which two countries through the unification of many smaller states?
  11. 23. After WWII, the __________________ was created and its’ purpose was to ensure __________ around the world.
  1. 1. A strong nation taking over a weaker nation or area for economic, social and/or political reasons
  2. 2. After World War I, democracies struggled to rebuild war-ravaged land. In later years, they faced ____________ and ___________ unrest, and the spread of an economic crisis.
  3. 3. Like their European counterparts, the Japanese expansionists sought control over territories in their own region. Japanese leaders sought access to more ___________________for fueling Japanese economic growth.
  4. 4. During the 19th century, European nations such as England and Germany were expanding the size of their military and colonizing other parts of the world. One motivation for this was feelings of ________________.
  5. 6. This type of fighting is most often associated with the events of World War I.
  6. 8. The United States’ strategy of capturing key islands in the Pacific, one after another until Japan was within range of American bombers to attack, is called:
  7. 9. To fascists in Italy prior to WWII, the _____________ was more of a concern that human rights.
  8. 12. Mussolini gained power in Italy by promising to end ___________ and turmoil, and replace them with order.
  9. 14. The __________________ deprived Jews of German citizenship and placed severe restrictions on them.
  10. 16. During World War I, machine guns and long-range artillery guns made it hard for troops to advance; Poison gas disabled soldiers; and German _______________ disrupted Allied shipping.
  11. 18. The military alliance between Germany, Japan, and Italy during World War II was commonly referred to as the __________.
  12. 19. Hitler’s invasion of Poland led Britain and France to declare war on Germany in __________ of 1939.
  13. 21. The writings of __________ have greatly impacted the social, political and economic foundations of the modern world.