Review of Body Systems

  1. 4. Made of cells
  2. 6. The _________ system is the body's natural defense system
  3. 7. The _____________ system breaks down solid food
  4. 8. The jelly-like substance that holds the organelles in place
  5. 10. The main organ of the respiratory system
  6. 12. The ____________ system is made of the heart, blood, veins, and arteries
  1. 1. a collection of cells working together
  2. 2. The main organ of the circulatory system
  3. 3. Not made of cells
  4. 5. The __________ system distributes oxygen throughout the body
  5. 9. a collection of tissues working together
  6. 11. When a cell is infected the directions are changed in the __________.