review science

  1. 3. easy to make and easy to separate.
  2. 5. what galaxy do we live in.
  3. 8. the only energy that you can see.
  4. 10. fully see-through
  5. 11. Another word for orbit.
  6. 13. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  7. 14. what type of atmosphere does the moon have.
  8. 15. Another word for spinning.
  1. 1. what size star is the sun.
  2. 2. easy to make hard to separate.
  3. 4. partly see-through
  4. 6. the force that goes against movement.
  5. 7. the 6th planet from the Sun.
  6. 9. mercury, venus, earth, and mars.
  7. 12. not able to see-through