Review work >:(

  1. 2. During summer I get ______.
  2. 3. You get milk from a _____.
  3. 6. I can reach for things with my _____.
  4. 8. ____ are the female that lays eggs.
  5. 9. I have a ____ named Olaf.
  6. 11. I want a jumping _____.
  7. 13. You can get sand between your ____.
  8. 16. I can type many things with my ______.
  9. 17. The ______ caws at dawn.
  10. 18. My features are on my ____.
  11. 20. My ____ is on my shoulders.
  12. 21. I look with my ____.
  13. 23. I can dye my ____.
  14. 24. During winter I get _____.
  1. 1. I don't like _____.
  2. 2. I want to ride _______.
  3. 4. I can play games with my _____.
  4. 5. Right now I'm ______.
  5. 7. I can walk around with my_____.
  6. 10. But I'm am not ____ right now.
  7. 12. I hear Mrs.Onorato with my ____.
  8. 14. I can smell my food with my _____.
  9. 15. I talk with my ____.
  10. 19. My ___ Sushi died.
  11. 22. At 12:00 I get _______.